Saturday, September 3, 2016

Ansel and Clair: Little Green Island HD - A Fingerprint Network App

Ansel and Clair’s Little Green Island is now a part of the Fingerprint Network for learning and play!

Join Ansel, the friendly intergalactic photographer from the exotic planet Virtoos, and Clair, a brilliant Virtoosian robot as they learn about the Earth’s environment, pollution, and how we can positively impact our home planet.

Embark with Ansel & Clair as they create their own green utopia while progressing through 18 wonderful levels of gameplay. Each level requires creativity, problem solving, and a sense of fun!

◆ PLAY: 18 unique game levels, which combine fun, creativity & problem solving. Complete missions to unlock rewards. Clear trash, plant, water, move, sell trees, catch the coal plants dumping pollutants, clean and free birds stuck in oil, earn GreenBucks to buy your rewards (NO in-app purchases!).

◆ CREATE: Your own Green utopia: plant 50+ trees, landscape accents, and environment savers!

◆ EXPERIENCE How changes around your island result in an increase in pollution (forest fire, air pollution from coal plants and vehicles, pesticides seeping into water, methane from cows, oil spill off the coast, acid rain, hole in the ozone.

◆ SOLVE: Fix or mitigate environmental challenges:
Replace chemical pesticides on the farm with good bugs
Reduce carbon footprint – add a solar panels and windmills
Buy a skimmer to clean up an oil spill
Clean the birds covered in oil,
Add a bike path and public transportation to reduce vehicle pollution
Plant fast-growing miscanthus grass that can be used to make alternative fuels

◆ LEARN Through Multiple ways
Create, experience, fix, see, hear (dialog & songs), and read (Clairvision Deeper Dive fully supported by audio)
How changes outside your island still impact you as neighboring islands, Folksville and Smokey Island evolve and change over 18 game levels
From 9 fun little songs that explain pollutants]
Make real world connections: E.g., Oil Spill off Green Island – Exxon Valdez; Sign the 3 Island Protocol to stop using ozone products – Montreal Protocol 

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